Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Have a Healthy Thanksgiving

Planning ahead of time can help you from overindulging during your Thanksgiving feast. Here's a few tips to help you make better choices this Thanksgiving and start the holiday season off on the right path!

Don't skip meals before the main event
Some people skip breakfast and lunch to "save room" for Thanksgiving dinner. Skipping meals is one of the worst things you can do. By skipping meals, especially breakfast, your metabolism will not get going for the day making it slower all day. You can still save room for dinner and dessert by eating light for breakfast and lunch. Have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and a piece of fruit as the fiber will allow you to feel full for many hours. If your Thanksgiving feast is in the evening, eat a cold quinoa or couscous salad is a great option for lunch. This can be prepared the day before so that it doesn't interfere with any of the cooking for dinner. I'll post a couple different cold salad recipes for you all. If lunch is late in the afternoon. Eat a veggie-filled salad for lunch.

Make time for activity
There are many ways to incorporate physical activity into Thanksgiving. Find a Thanksgiving day walk/run in your area and get the whole family involved. They are often early in the morning to give you plenty of time to cook and socialize later. Instead of watching football all day, grab a football and have a family game. Charades is also a great game to get the family moving and it can be enjoyed by everyone. Or you could opt for a walk around the neighborhood. A little activity is better than nothing!

Socialize away from the appetizers
If you're not careful you can consume an entire meals worth of calories just from appetizers alone! Instead of catching up with family and friends right beside the appetizer table, avoid the temptation by taking your conversation to a different room. If you can't resist, choose a small plate and take one small servings of your favorite appetizer to satisfy your craving.

Make smart food swaps
If you're the one preparing dishes for the meal, choose healthier options that will allow you to cut calories and fat for everyone. Make mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes, add extra vegetables to the stuffing, make casseroles with low-sodium, low-fat versions of condensed soups, use milk instead of cream, and butter replacements (such as Smart Balance) in place of butter. Also use frozen or fresh vegetables whenever possible instead of canned.

Drink water
Over the course of Thanksgiving day, sip on water instead of calorie filled beverages. If alcoholic beverages are part of your family's Thanksgiving festivities, alternate between alcoholic beverages and water. Also, drink a glass of water before eating dinner to help decrease your appetite. Drinking water between every several bites of food will also make you feel full sooner.

Bring a healthy dish
If your Thanksgiving feast is more of a pot luck, bring a healthier option. This food is being served to people you love so why not help them make healthier choices too. Bring a tray of raw vegetables with a greek yogurt dip for an appetizer, or serve roasted vegetables as a side dish. Instead of a calorie-filled dessert, bring fresh fruit. Your waistline will thank you for at least choosing one healthy dish.

Use a smaller plate
At a buffet style meal most people will fill their entire plate almost until the point that it is pouring over the sides. By choosing a smaller plate you can still fill the plate but you will be able to fit less food, which equates to less calories. If you must use a larger plate, only fill it within the plate's inner rim instead of the whole way to the edges.

Be picky about your food choices
There's no sense in eating foods that you don't love. Pick the few items that you want to consume and know that you'll enjoy. If there's one food that you know is something you only get to eat on Thanksgiving, don't feel bad about eating it! Pick white meat turkey instead of ham, and be sure to remove all of the skin before eating.

Be smart about dessert
You can eat dessert on Thanksgiving, just be smart about the amount you eat and the dessert you choose. If there are several desserts you would like to try, put just enough for one bite on your plate. /this way you can try them all and still only eat one total portion size. Avoid desserts high in sugar and fat like pecan pie, and opt for pumpkin pie instead.

Don't leave with leftovers
At the end of the night, kindly decline any high-calorie leftovers. If you cannot avoid taking leftovers home choose the healthy foods like white meat turkey and vegetables. If you're hosting, try to send all the high-calorie leftover home with your guests. It's one thing to overindulge for one day, but it's another thing to keep it up for the next week. Get back into your healthy habits the next day not the next week.

The main thing to remember is that it is not the end of the world if you overeat on Thanksgiving. Don't let overeating put you into the mindset that you've ruined your healthy lifestyle for the week and you'll start over again on Monday. Wake up Friday morning with a positive attitude, head to the gym (or the mall) and burn off some calories. The sooner you get back on track, the sooner you'll feel great again.

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